Monday, April 20, 2009

Mice Week Crafts

  1. Glove Puppets for 5 Little Mice Finger play song. Templates will be available soon. You can find instructions on how to make glove puppets here.

  2. Paper Heart Mouse: Out of gray or white construction paper, cut out a large heart (for the mouse body) and a smaller heart (cut in half for mouse ears). Have the kids glue on googly eyes and a pom pom pink nose. The pointed, bottom part of the heart is the mouse face. Help the kids glue the mouse body on to a piece of construction paper. Don't forget to give the mouse a tail (made out of a piece of yarn or string). His ears can be painted or colored in pink and glued on to the mouse head.

  3. Paper Plate Clock: This can be used for the "Hickory, Dickory, Dock" song. The kids can either help you to create the clock or you can make it ahead of time and let them play with it. Write clock numbers around the rim of the paper plate. Cut out one small hand and one larger hand out of poster board. Fasten hands to the center of the plate with a paper fastener.

  4. Mouse Prints: Have children use their fingerprints to make mouse pictures. Use finger paint or tempera paint.

  5. Mouse Puzzle: Draw a large mouse on a piece of poster board . Cut the mouse shape out. Either color in ahead of time or have the kids color it in and then cut the mouse into several pieces. Have the kids practice putting the puzzle pieces together.

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